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A Social Media Policy: To be reactive or proactive? That is the question!

Social media is the new chill spot where people hang out. It has been a new platform for marketing as businesses and customers are spending so much more time online. Social media is being used to share content, advertise, socialize, communicate, educate, and so much more. It is exciting! It is new, it is chic and it is the thing to do! If you are not consuming some type of social media or as a business, use social media to communicate with your audience you are considered to be an alien in this new digital age.

Social media, to some degree, is an informal space where everyone is “free” to do or say as they please. As a brand/company, what do you need to keep in mind? How can you protect your reputation online? It has been said that most companies are reactive as opposed to proactive when it comes to reputational damage online. These companies tend to lack a SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY.

But, why is this important? What should this policy entail?

A Social Media Policy will protect YOU! It will protect your BRAND!

The social media policy will outline the expectations for employees. What can be posted online (both on personal and company social media websites). This policy is a way to ensure that their (the business) brand equity and reputation is being protected in the online space.

Employees might think this policy is infringing on their rights to freedom of speech/expression but, as a brand, the company must not only monitor what is posted on their social media website but to protect the “faces” of their brand. Too often we hear that a person is fired because they posted something online. When this policy is in place, employees will think twice before making a post on social media as they must now think about their employment, brand equity and reputation of the company that they work for. What an employer do on social media can compromise their employer. It does not only damage their reputation but it may create negative associations, perceptions, and even affect the bottom line hence the need for a SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY.

Remember, Bleach cannot remove digital stains! Be responsible, Be proactive and CREATE a SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY!

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