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Social Customer Service in 2018: What does this even mean?

We all know what traditional customer is but since we are in the digital age and everything and everyone is now online, there is a need for social customer service. But what is it?

In a nutshell, Social Customer Service is providing customer support through social media channels ; this has become an established part of doing business. The mobile revolution has created a paradigm shift where communication is concerned. Customers wants information and they want it NOW!

Each organization that has a social media account needs to invest in an excellent and efficient social media manager. Such individual must be alert when handling current customers/prospective customers' issues as it is key to their brand identity and equity. As soon as a social media business page has been created a social/ digital identity is formulated the business gets a chance to have better integration with customers.

If social customer service is effectively done there can be successful brand equity among customers resulting in return sales, website traffic, more exposure, new converts/customers and more effective marketing communication.

As a result of the new trends and constant updates and upgrades of social media websites, more interactions might attract negative publicity in the online space as a result of social listening and conversations. Gone are the days when people had to rely on a letter to the Editor (if they were lucky) to get the word out to a large public. The power is literally in everyone's hand every minute of the day.Therefore, companies must ensure that:

  • They are constantly monitoring the media so they see where their company names are being mentioned and they can address the matter effectively and efficiently.

  • Address the matter on all their social media websites and if the matter is not being addressed right away, inform the audience that something is being done

  • Engage with all customers. No question is too foolish, address them or give suggestions if if you can. If the query is not for you, let them know that you cannot help them but NEVER ignore them.

Social Customer Service is here to stay and so it is incumbent on businesses to invest in the necessary resources to the trend. Digital tools or trained persons must be put in place to address and share positive experiences and address the negative ones in real time.

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